Student e-Portfolios - End of Course Survey
Please indicate your primary position Please rate your experience in the FOL course based on each of the following characteristics:
  Stongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The course content was applicable to my work
The information provided was high quality
The handouts and materials were high quality
The technology skills and knowledge presented were challenging
The course provided opportunities for interaction, discussion and reflection
Course material was presented in a manner that facilitated learning
The instructor was helpful, friendly and knowledgeable
The size of the group was effective for learning
Please indicate your proficiency in the following areas:
  Very proficient Somewhat proficient Not proficient Unfamiliar
Compare and contrast benefits and types of e-portfolios
Create and edit Google site pages
Create and publish Google Docs/Presentations on Google Sites
Select and embed Youtube videos in Google Sites
Distinguish permission rights in Google Docs/sites
Identify privacy issues in relation to student e-portfolios
Align course standards/objectives with potential learner artifacts
Plan reflective learning activities for students
Identify tools to evaluate and showcase student e-portfolio work
Critique and provide feedback on e-portfolio artifacts
Appraise the value of e-portfolios in K12 education
Do you intend on incorporating e-Porfolios with your students? Do you agree with the statement?  This course adequately prepared me for the implementation of ePortfolios with my students